Cool Math Stuff

Tesseract Hypercube gif

This page will have all the cool math I've learned:)

My Math Research Experience


About a month ago I presented the work I've done on the effects of the anisotropic gradient to faculty and staff at the WSU Annual Math/Statistcs Awards Ceremony.

My Research Poster

The anisotropic gradient's application in image analysis are numorous. The application I focused on was boundary length determination from binary images. A binary image can be thought of as a simple black and white image or an m x n matrix with "cells" ranging from values of 0 (black) to 255 (white). In practice, these images are hard to come by naturally without some sort of pre-editing or filtiring done. Almost always there is a gradient of pixel values present between areas of high contrast.

Example of a binary image used in the project

Here's an example binary image of a triangle used in the project.

Last Edited 5/16/24
