Welcome to my website!

Telport home in Old School Runescape gif

My name is AJ Apalla, and I'm someone who loves to learn about things deeply. This website serves as a virtual memoir of my journey into what makes me human:

The pursuit and sharing of knowledge.

About Me

Picture of my GF Sanna and I at my college graduation.

Me with my gf Sanna

I recently graduated college with degrees in Bioengineering and Applied Math (Go Cougs!). Throughout the time, I've developed a love for learning the theory behind my coursework. I've learned that

  1. Math really is everywhere
  2. Passion is developed
  3. Habits determine results

I strive to make the focus of this website grounded in these three principles. So please explore- and I hope you find something valuable from these meager webpages :)

Check out my interests!

My Blog Math Coding